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My Feet Are Multi Talented


  1. To keep your feet looking their best (and to avoid having to throw out your shoes), try this routine EVERY NIGHT before bed:

    1. Soak your feet in warm water for five to ten minutes to soften calluses.

    2. Use a foot file or pumice stone to remove dead skin. My current favorite is the PedEgg (available at drugstores), a foot file that collects the dry skin as it's being removed so you can neatly empty it into the trash.

    3. Rub in a foot cream containing glycolic and/or salicylic acid, such as Vaseline Intensive Rescue Healing Foot Cream or Philosophy Soul Owner. This will help soften rough skin and seal any cracks or calluses. The acids will also help remove the top layers of dead, discolored skin. Be sure to wash your hands immediately after applying, and be careful not to touch your eyes.

    4. Slip on a pair of thin white cotton socks or Moisture Booties by the Body Shop. This will help the foot cream penetrate more deeply and keep it from rubbing off on your sheets.

  2. Pisces (Feb. 19- Mar. 20) --

    Get out the boots - Stilletto heels - foot creams and panty
    hose...here come da fishies!
    They are the LEADERS in foot fetish. Masturbation in shoes? Okay.
    Toe masturbation. ..bring it on! They love using their feet.
    Suck on a Pisceans toes and SEE what happens!
    F**K ing in the water and see them squirm.
    Pisces have probably done it in a sex swing. Or at least considered
    how strong the ceiling beams are on their house to put one in.
    Pisces men break furniture when they F**K ...things get flung
    Pisces can be turned on by the wierdest things...Trains. ..Water
    fountains... Jump rope...Whatever. They are the sirens calling you
    to the beach where you will end up on your back on a towel with
    water all over you and not wanting it to stop.
    I have heard it said that its the pisces that will cross the darker
    kinky side at least once...just to say "YEP. did that. Not that
    great" OR "What do you MEAN you never......" SAM from sex and the
    city should be a Pisces. These babes are perfectionists. You will
    have a perfect orgasm with them...so will they..in fact, they strive
    for perfection in everything they do...it's all in th details for
    them. There will not be ONE hair out of place with a Pisces. All of
    their fetish jewlery will match a specific whip or dress or shoes.
    EVERYTHING MUST MATCH! I have one Pisces friend that has nipple
    tassles that match for every pair of underware and whip that she
    owns! NO SH*T! You might think they are shy! HA! They are just
    planning something. I had a Pisces Friend (Same Pisces friend with
    the matching tassles by the way) who was at a nudist beach in Brazil
    (You will always find a Pisces at a beach...its inbred in them) A
    middle aged man in his early 50's or so came up to her and
    immediately saw her body and BABING! got a hard on!
    Not feeling shocked in any way, shape or form, she walked right up
    to him and put her hand on his cock for a moment , then with her
    same hand took her sunglasses off , looked him RIGHT in the eye and
    said "DAHLING, your erection is SUPERB!" and she walked off never to
    see him again.
    You never can tell what the hell a Pisces will do, but I guarantee
    that it will be SUPERB!
